

This subject has come up in the past many, many times.  I suggest a trip to the 
archives before we return to this discussion.  My preferred method is Plexus.  
I’ve done the job twice and it works as advertised.  Others have had success 
with other products, but C&C used Plexus.




Jake Brodersen

“Midnight Mistress”

C&C 35 Mk-III

Hampton VA




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Eric Baumes 
via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 3:33 PM
To: cnc-list
Subject: Stus-List Window replacement (cross posted from 34-36 group




I think my winter project this year will be to replace the windows on the boat. 
They are pretty badly pitted and have vertical splits in the windows.


Any advise on taking on this task.


It looks like South Shore Yachts will create these based on a paper template.


I am wondering how to get the old windows off without destroying the deck and 
how to glue the new ones in.




Hee Soo

C&C 36/36+

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