
        Thanks — Will surely hit you up for the help as we get closer. I agree 
that he CT shoreline is best and I’m teetering between Milford and Clinton. 
Both have slips and facilities that would be conducive to a rendezvous, as well 
as both being in mid-Sound to attract the many C&Cs that are there. Milford is 
more mid-Sound than Clinton, but I want to be sure that some of the usual 
attendees won’t be turned off by the extra 20 miles. 

        Stay tuned. 

        All the best,


        Edd M. Schillay
        Starship Enterprise
        C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
        City Island, NY 
        Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log

On Sep 24, 2014, at 3:20 PM, Neil Gallagher <> wrote:

> Edd,
> I'll be willing to help out with the 2015 Rendezvous.
> Notwithstanding my location, I think the CT shoreline is preferable to Long 
> Island, given that many will drive and we know what driving on a summer 
> weekend on LI can be like.
> Neil Gallagher
> Weatherly, 35-1
> Glen Cove, NY
> On 9/23/2014 11:49 AM, Edd Schillay via CnC-List wrote:
>> Listers,
>>  With the paint barely dry on the 2014 Northeast Rendezvous, I’d like to 
>> start planning the 2015 event. 
>>  As I’ve mentioned, with the 2012 event in Mystic, the 2013 event at Block 
>> Island and with the 2014 event in Newport, I think we need to move the group 
>> into LI Sound before we end up in Maine, Greenland or the UK. 
>>  Please take a minute or two and fill out this survey: 
>>   Personally, I think a place with slips and a wealth of amenities (rec 
>> area, pool, showers, restaurant) would be a preference, but if you have 
>> other thoughts, I’d like to hear them. 
>>  I have a pretty good idea in my head on what I’d like the rendezvous to be, 
>> but, as I tell my race crew: I may not always be right, but I’m never in 
>> doubt. 
>>  If you wish to volunteer to help, I will be happy to take you up on it.  
>>  Finally, a big thank you to all those who have worked so hard to make the 
>> past three events such an amazing success. It’s such a great group of people 
>> and my only complaint is that we don’t get together more often.
>>  Well, that, and where to store all these Mohegan Sun Cheese Boards…. 
>>  All the best,
>>  Edd
>>  Edd M. Schillay
>>  Starship Enterprise
>>  C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
>>  City Island, NY 
>>   Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log
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