My wife does not really enjoy rough weather or extended trips with a lot of 
heel. Her usual strategy is to go up to the V-berth and sleep until we get in 
to port. She is happy if our end destination includes interesting things to do 
on shore and showers are a big plus too. She isn’t afraid, she knows this how 
the boats work, she just would rather not get bashed around if we can avoid it. 
 There are exceptions – once trying to beat out of Rock Hall in the narrow 
channel where the 25-30 knot southerly was funneling waves the length of the 
Bay into a confined area was miserable and slow. I think we were maybe making 
good 2 knots at best. *I* was getting tired of it and mentioned maybe going 
back and waiting for the wind to change. I was informed there was some kind of 
antique sale going on in Chestertown and I was going to keep going and wake me 
up when we get there!

Joe Della Barba
C&C 35 MK I
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