Good morning, I'm thinking of a winter project to replace the cabin side windows with something stronger and nice. Has anybody undergone this project that could share their process and maybe some photos ? Do I just cut them out with a razor knife and take them to a lexan shop and have them duplicate them in a lighter color? Is there a framed in type? I have been stopping leaks in them windows sense I got the boat?
I also want to rebuild the forward hatch and need something strong and that lets in more light. I need to know if the gasket around the inside is replaceable? Mine is cracking up and needs to be replaced. all-tho the leaking looks to be the caulking of the class itself to the frame. If you can share some in-depth details on how the two mentioned projects are to be completed I would be very thankful. I am very good at DIY projects and could do this project without imput. It is so much nicer hearing from people that have done it. Thanks *Best regards,* *Curtis* *C&C 30-MK1 East Coast Lady* *Port Royal,* *South Carolina* * <>* *~~~~ __/) ~~~~* .
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