Docking. What a novelty ;)
Try a 3 point mooring in a 25 knot cross wind on the starboard beam with 4
mooring lines dangling in the water and a 2 blade fixed ;) That thing is
like a rototiller in the water (it *just* *wants* to GO. OVER. THERE.). In
a situation like that I come in close to the windward boat, minding the
ever present mooring lines hiding below the surface, bow over to leeward
just a bit (so my crew can reach the forward lines) then bang it into
reverse with generous amounts of throttle applied. The stern goes
<---------- and we're stopped. I pick up the stern line and we're good.
That's how it works when it works, anyway. It's usually just me and the
missus so she's on the bow and I'm alone with the stern lines and controls.

Another situation I dislike is docking to starboard with wind on the
starboard beam. Stopping with the motor isn't as effective in that
situation. The windier it is, the faster I need to go. How do you all
handle that one? I don't like charging at a dock. I might be the slowest
docker at our club! I inch in when the conditions allow. In calm conditions
I don't even have steerage way in those last few feet... just a kiss.

Backing turns though. Handiest move ever. When I discovered that it opened
up a whole new world. I discovered it here, thank you ... Rick, I think?
This boat being the first inboard I've ever operated it was a steep
learning curve.

Backing into a slip is not something I've yet tried. When visiting other
clubs I tend to avoid experimentation (read: embarrassment) so I go bow in.
But I think it's cool and if I had a slip I'de practice. I watch those guys
with modern boats actually shift into reverse and idle straight in, astern!
What a concept! If I idle in reverse the boat just spins. I'm never in
reserve longer than a couple of seconds! I shift into reverse, apply much
throttle, close throttle and shift back to neutral. Rinse and repeat. This
gets me way and steerage astern with minimum prop walk. I tried that stand
in front of the binnacle facing aft when in reverse thing .. waaaay too
weird; the shifter and throttle are reversed and I get all turned around,
no good. I suppose once I have way on I can leave it in gear and the rudder
will overpower the prop walk eh? Have not tried it, too used to blipping
it. The A4 transmission doesn't 'click' into reverse either, you have to
hold it there and it makes a helluva racket.


Well, this has been a productive use of my lunch break.

Steve TooMuchCoffee
Suhana, C&C 32

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Joel Aronson via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Because my boat backs to port I have found that I am better off lining up
> to starboard of the centerline of the slip.  When I back down, the stern
> moves to port, centering the boat in the slip.  I shift to neutral and
> steer as needed.  I throw the aft spring over the designated winch so I
> don't back into the dock.
> When leaving the dock I tie the 2 stern lines together.  Its all or
> nothing with the boat hook coming into the slip.
> Joel
> 35/3
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Rick Brass via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
>> The trick to backing with a Martec folding prop is the throttle.
>> My Martec will stop my 15000 pound 38 from 2 or 3 knots in about a boat
>> length. Shift into reverse and boost the throttle to about half (1200 to
>> 1500 rpm in my case). The revs hold the blades open and she will stop as
>> well as she did with the 16x10 fixed prop.
>> I back into my slip. Going forward, approach from perpendicular to the
>> slip centerline and a couple of boat lengths off the outer piling. Turn out
>> to intersect the slip centerline, shift to reverse and throttle up. When
>> the boat has good stern way, shift to neutral and use the rudder and
>> momentum to back into the slip. A blip of power in forward to stop, and
>> then scurry forward to get the bow and forward spring line attached to the
>> boat, then slow reverse to hold the boat into the slip and use the prop
>> walk to hold her against the dock.
>> Heck, now that I think of it, the only time I have the boat in reverse at
>> idle is when I'm using the prop walk to bring the stern over to a pier or
>> to turn around in a tight fairway.
>> Rick Brass
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Aug 28, 2014, at 10:17, Burt Stratton via CnC-List <
>>> wrote:
>> Hell, It took me a few attempts at backing in under power to figure out
>> that my 2-blade folding Martec prop needs half an hour head start just to
>> stop my 1kt forward progress! Still trying to figure out how to account for
>> and use my prop-walk. If I have a good hand with me I will sail on and off
>> my mooring.
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> Joel
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