Thanks Dennis, I did not know about the Preval, it looks like a great approach 
to cover up repairs!

If any of you have experience using Brightside over a thickened epoxy repair, 
am I right in planning for:

One coat of Interlux Pre-kote primer
Two coats of Interlux Brightside + Interlux flattening agent
(with both thinned with Interlux special thinner 216)

My main concern is with the pre-kote, in some brochures from Interlux they 
recommend using Interprotec 2000E over Epoxy.  But the pre-kote brochure 
specifically mention epoxy as a substrate with only washing and sanding for 

Sébastien Lemieux
Merlot X, C&C 30-2 1988
Lake Champlain

On Aug 17, 2014, at 14:49 , Dennis C. <> wrote:

> Buy some paint (Interlux Brightside being the easiest to find and work with) 
> and a Preval sprayer.  Spray it on the area feathering it out on the edges.  
> Do not tape it off.  If you tape it or use a brush or roller you will leave a 
> sharp edge which will be much more obvious than a feathered spray technique.
> Hint: when matching color, err to the dark side.  A lighter match will look 
> like a repair; a darker match will look like a dirty spot.  :)
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Sébastien Lemieux <> 
> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>   I made a few repairs on my deck (changed rope clutches and filled some 
> holes left by a previous dodger) and I'm now left with several small patches 
> of sanded epoxy (I used thickened West epoxy and faired with 240 grit).  What 
> would be your recommendation for the cosmetic finish?
>   I can't seem to find any information on painting small surfaces, is it just 
> a matter of buying a small quantity of paint and attempting as best as 
> possible to feather in with the surrounding?  Is there a type of paint that 
> works better than other for this type of work?  I am not too concerned about 
> color matching as the current paint on my deck is quite faded and already 
> show a few shades depending on sun exposure.
> Thanks in advance for you help,
> --
> Sébastien Lemieux
> Merlot X, C&C 30-2 1988
> Lake Champlain
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