Thanks Josh, I use 2 micron filter as well. And i know it is an overkill. But it doesn't hurt, so I didn't plan to replace it. But if I had to replace it anyway, then i would be looking for something more appropriate (cheaper).
Marek Josh Muckley wrote: The 220 is overkill (30gpm) but shouldn't cause problems. I have an old Racor 200FG that is smaller (15gpm) and is a cartrige (I like...cheaper). The 200FG is no longer made but the cartridges are readily available ~$10. I keep my eyes open on ebay and find the filters from time to time in varying conditions and prices. $30-70 seems about average. The elements are available in 2, 10, and 30 micron. I run a 2 micron on my 35hp with no troubles. As an alternative if you are looking to replace yours now with something new you could try the 110A. It is a 15gpm and cartridge style. Only thing to consider is that the cartridge is only available in 10 micron which should be fine since most of us are only using these as a pre-filters. The engine has a primary filter that is 2 microns. Josh Muckley S/V Sea Hawk 1989 C&C 37+ Solomons, MD On Aug 10, 2014 10:15 PM, "Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List" <> wrote: > Hi, I have a question regarding a Racor filter 220 series. For the last 2 > years I am fighting diesel leaks from the filter. Last year I found that > the transparent bowl at the bottom had a crack and some fuel was leaking. > Nothing serious, but enough to create the smell in the cabin. Of course, i > replaced the bowl. Now i found that there is small leak at the plunger. > Again, not much, it is just sweating. But the smell returned. > > Now to the question. Is there a way to service the filter (actually, the > top of the housing)? Is there a way to replace the seal on the plunger and > if yes what would be the source for the parts? > > I am hesitating, because the 220 series is quite expensive. The filter > elements are almost double compared to other similar filters. > > I am thinking that if i have to replace the housing, possibly a better way > would be to replace the filter with another model. > > If I have to replace, what would be the recommendation? I have Perkins M20 > (2 cylinder, 18 HP). I think that 220 series is a bit too big for what i > need, but it does not hurt to have too much capacity there. > > Thanks > > Marek in Ottawa > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > > Email address: > > To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go bottom of > page at: > > > >
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