In the old days before diesel was "winterized" it was SOP to add 10% gas to 
your diesel tank, then fill with diesel (insures mixing). This was done to 
prevent the diesel from "jelling".
Michael Cotton
S/V  M'aisling

On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 4:20 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

RE: diesel in the gas
Maybe some of you remember but when I bought Sea Hawk the survey revealed that 
the engine (diesel) wouldn't stay running.  After the owner hired a mechanic 
and had the HP pump replaced ($1800) I thought the problem had been licked and 
departed on the 350mi delivery trip.  About 20 min into the trip the engine 
died AGAIN!
Long story short, about 2 months later I finally figured out that I had enough 
gasoline in a 40 gallon diesel tank that I could run a 2 stroke weed eater off 
the mix.  When poured on a leaf pile it made quite a fire ball.
When the engine was cold, it would run fine but when it got warm the gasoline 
would flash to vapor and lock up the HP pump.  It acted like it lost prime.  I 
could keep it running with a priming bulb or by keeping it cool with a garden 
Changed out the fuel and haven't had a problem since.
Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD
On Aug 5, 2014 5:45 PM, "Martin DeYoung via CnC-List" <> 

>> Better diesel in your gas tank than the other way around! <<
>I have been told that up to 10% gasoline in a large (>25 gal) diesel tank 
>would still be OK to use.  I picked this up when discussing diesel truck 
>refueling issues.  I friend of mine with a fleet of diesel trucks panicked 
>when he looked down and noticed he stuck a gas nozzle into his diesel tank.  
>He paid for a tow and to have the tank drained and cleaned.  Afterword’s we 
>discussed the event and he thought he had put in 5 to 10 gal of gas into a 40 
>gal tank.
>I recommend you check your engine owner’s manual before paying $$ to pump out 
>a diesel tank with a few gallons of gasoline added.
>1971 C&C 43
>From:CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Burt 
>Stratton via CnC-List
>Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 2:16 PM
>To: 'Stevan Plavsa';
>Subject: Re: Stus-List A4 engine problems
>Better diesel in your gas tank than the other way around! 
>Not sure my marina would go to those lengths to make good on that. 
>From:CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan 
>Plavsa via CnC-List
>Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 5:11 PM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List A4 engine problems
>I've replaced the entire fuel system except the tank. I think it's aluminum. I 
>did free it once to lift it up so I could see underneath. No noticeable 
>New fill hose, vent, lines, racor and polishing filter. 
>Last year the attendant at a marina I was at accidentally filled the tank with 
>diesel! The marina paid for a waste disposal truck to come down and pump the 
>tank out. Then we put about 10 litres of gasoline in and pumped that out too. 
>I like to think I got a free tank cleaning ... they paid for the fill, dinner, 
>a night at the marina and a LIMO (to take us to dinner). Yeah, they made good 
>on their mistake, and then some.
>Suhana, C&C 32
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