Have you considered electric?  It really comes down to how much you motor vs. 
sail.  A 27 would be a prime target for electric - either a bolt on "pod" or a 
motor mounted where the a4 is.  Personally I just hate the look of outboards 
hanging off the transom so am willing to go to extremes to avoid it.


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> On Aug 4, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Paul and Darlene Clarke via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> My wife and I are beginning to think it may be time to convert our C & C 27, 
> which we’ve had for 5 years, to a transom-mounted outboard engine from its 
> original (1972) Atomic 4. Any listers have experience with a project like 
> this, advice, or suggestions? The boat is sound, of course, as is the rig and 
> sails, but the A4 engine is requiring infusions of $$ every year, and is not 
> reliable. Every year we’ve been scuppered, and I want reliability without the 
> cost of a new inboard… hence the idea to try the outboard route. Thoughts?
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