My 35/3 has a molded insert for the vanity, sink etc.  Working on the pump
is a PIA!  I've had to replace the pump twice in the last 2 years.  The
Jabsco pumps with the quick release hose fittings make it a little less
painful.   My only advice is to get a good cushion to kneel on and a wide
angle flashlight.


On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 12:23 PM, McElwreath, Daniel via CnC-List <> wrote:

>  Before going in the water this Spring I replaced all the  waste hose and
> ran thru the vanity in head.  This week I had to rebuild the par shower
> drain pump so I had to remove that.  My question:  Can the head sink be
> removed to allow access?  Working thru the small vanity door is an absolute
> BEAR.  I have been reluctant to try and put the pump back, only because it
> is such a pain.  I was even thinking of cutting the vanity wall out,
> including the little door, and then reglassing when finished.  But I know
> what that would look like.  Thanks for any advice.  Dan Mc on Tively II in
> City Island, NY
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