one nearby boat gas fuel realize  the real danger....early
in my sailing ownerships...had experience leaking gas fuel dripping on
water jacked muffler ..noticed when engine shutdown to begin distance
race,,fuel smell,,it didnt take long for a crew of 11 to get pails..riggers
buckets ,etc,and drown whole engine and hot pumps activated
 &water &fuel pumped overboard..left gas spill on water which SAR was happy
to clean up...reason for event discovered later  fuel tank float  rubbed
bottom of tank until wore hole in tank bottom...crew really had it half did engine drowning..other half..hung over bow to
encourage fwd pumps to engage ..REALLY LUCKY..FUME DETECTER ALSO
DEFECTIVE........had manya4s after that with quality fail safe fume a hign torque diesel user
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