I had something similar happen w my TackTick. The wind display showed direction 
but 0.0 for speed. Thought I had a bad masthead unit. After two days on the 
boat I noticed the little letters next to the zeros. I pushed a few buttons and 
switched the unit to display App and Tru and got better wind speeds on the 

Apparently I had bumped some buttons and put it into calibrate mode? Better 
now. I hope yours is similar. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Atlantic City, NJ 

----- Original Message -----

From: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
To: "kelly petew" <kellype...@msn.com>, "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" 
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 5:49:16 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List TackTick [raymarine] Analog Wind Display problem 

Is call Ray. Sounds like a bad masthead unit. 


On Monday, June 2, 2014, kelly petew via CnC-List < cnc-list@cnc-list.com > 

My fellow TackTick users, 
anyone had this problem -- I have only the wind speed display and it will no 
longer correctly point to the apparent wind direction and track it. 
It displays "CH" or "CH wind", and the LCD pointer is either pointing directly 
forward or directly astern [95% of the time]. 
The apparent wind speed readings appear reasonable, and the masthead unit [cups 
and vane] appear to be working properly. 
I've been searching the Raymarine.com site, but I also thought someone here 
might have some advice. 


Pete W. 

'91 C&C 30MKII 
Siren Song 
Deltaville, VA 

301 541 8551 

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