Stu, I'm good now. Thanks for all you do for us.
From: Stu via CnC-List <>
To: C&C Email List <>
Sent: Thursday, May 1, 2014 3:53:03 PM
Subject: Stus-List List Problems
Yesterday, approximately 125 members received notices saying their
subscriptions had been cancelled due to excessive or fatal bounces.
Unfortunately, I was in the hospital having cataract surgery and trying to read
the messages and reply to them was very difficult – I was blind in one eye and
could not see out the other one. At least today, one eye is working.
Yesterday’s problems were not with the list but with the ISP’s involved. It is
mainly a Yahoo problem (right now) but includes:
comcast, hotmail, AOL, Ameritech, Sympatico, Rogers, Bell, Reinardy, Live,
Wbryant, Outlook, MSN, SBCGlobal, Acesdirect, Netscape, SNet, ATT and probably
a bunch of others.
I am in the process of resetting everyone’s subscriptions so that they receive
mail and am working with our List Hosting Company to overcome these problems.
In order to get around Yahoo’s problem, you will notice the “From” box on your
emails, says “via CnC-List” instead of the sender’s name.
If you find you get bumped again, it is suggested that you get a freebie email
address from a company that is not listed above and use it strictly for emails
from the list.
I will try to keep on top of this problem and advise you accordingly.
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album