Edd, I'm removing two Barient 28's (non-ST) currently.  I think I'll be
trying to part with them whole, but if you come up with major parts issues
and there is any compatibility, let me know.  I'm also servicing the
secondaries and cabin tops (Barient 23 ST's I think), so probably a few
steps behind you on needing pieces...


C&C 35-3
Branford, CT

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Edd Schillay <e...@schillay.com> wrote:

> Listers,
> This spring, I’m going to service all of my Barient winches. Of course,
> I’m going to sacrifice a cheap bucket by cutting off the bottom so parts
> don’t go flying into the bay, but just to be prepared, does anyone know of
> a good source for Barient parts?
> All the best,
> Edd
> Edd M. Schillay
> Starship Enterprise
> C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
> City Island, NY
> Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log <http://enterpriseb.blogspot.com/>
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