Lots of recent mention of Honda 2000i generators.

I bought one ~8 years ago and have used it infrequently.
Recently I offered it to a dock neighbor who'll be taking a 3-week cruise
in April. Prior to handing it over I verified that it ran - but it didn't.
So I quickly checked the internet, bought and sprayed some
carburetor cleaner and it started right up. Genius.
A week later, when handing it over, it again wouldn't start. Within an
hour, my neighbor had the carburetor off, cleaned, and back on. After this
it started on the first pull.

Darn ethanol, was the first verdict but some say a design feature (a combo
ignition/fuel flow switch) makes it difficult to run the carburetor dry and
that, with infrequent use, there'll be a gummy buildup regardless.

There is a carburetor drain with a tube running to the bottom, outside the
generator but it's a bit of a pain to drain things this way each time after
running the generator.

This youtube link explains it well:

Bob M
Ox 33-1
Jax, FL
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