
We're fairly miserly on Touche'.

However, if we're in port we have the option to hook up to dock water.
That's a quick and simple upgrade you might consider.  Just tee into the
discharge of your pump and install a city water inlet on the outside of
your cockpit coaming.  (Be sure to turn it off or disconnect it if you
leave the boat for any length of time.)

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Stevan Plavsa <>wrote:

> I'de love to see your boat Ed, thanks for the offer.
> Question about showering on a boat in general .. I put pressure water on
> the boat this past summer. When I am doing the dishes or washing up i run
> the water then turn it off. Scrub. Turn water on, rinse. I am miserly with
> the water. When you guys shower, do you "shower" like you do at home or
> kind of like how I do the dishes?
> Steve
> Suhana, C&C 32
> Toronto
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:15 PM, D Harben <>wrote:
>> Hi Ed and Stevan,
>>    May I chime in here with my interest to also see a Landfall  38
>> Don
>> On Feb 24, 2014, at 1:01 PM, Prime Interest <>
>> wrote:
>> Prime interest has the u-shaped galley, no separate shower, the single
>> quarter berth and nav station.
>> I'd be happy to show it to you sometime.
>> ed
>> Prime Interset
>> 1982 Landfall 38
>> Toronto, Ontario
>> On Monday, February 24, 2014, Stevan Plavsa <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I only just realized that there was a layout available for the Landfall
>>> 38 that had a U-shaped galley, more interior woodwork and most
>>> impressively, a separate shower. I've been discussing our needs with the
>>> admiral and we're in agreement on the requirement for a separate shower so
>>> the Landfall has now captured our attention. Looking at boats on yachtworld
>>> it appears that only LFs made after 82 had the separate shower, is that
>>> true or was it a layout that was always available?
>>> Our 32 doesn't have a shower and the head is tiny. I couldn't really
>>> imagine taking a shower in there at all. Showers are probably a point of
>>> interest when you're swimming in salt water every day??? Seems that the LF
>>> also carries over 100 gallons of fresh water .. having never showered on a
>>> boat I don't know if this is enough for a rinse off every day? How often
>>> are people showering with fresh water when away in remote anchorages in the
>>> Caribbean? Or other warm climates? I have no experience here.
>>> I also wanted to ask the owners of the LF 38s which layout you have and
>>> what you like about it, and what you don't like about it? Have you done
>>> much long term cruising or living aboard? Wally, I've read most of your
>>> articles and I know you installed the U-shaped galley, I guess I assumed
>>> all Landfalls were that way.
>>> The landfalls are a good value. I laid out a bunch of options in the
>>> "when to go cruising" thread and one of them is certainly taking our boat
>>> up to Georgian Bay and keeping it there. A Landfall would serve well on
>>> Georgian Bay as well as being enough boat to do some long term cruising on.
>>> We haven't yet figured out how we're going to take off forever so it looks
>>> like that plan will have to wait a while. In the short term however, moving
>>> our boat to Georgian Bay is looking like a win/win in the short term.
>>> Stevesta
>>> Suhana, C&C 32
>>> Toronto
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