I agree with your thoughts, not sure if we will get there in time.  BTW, most 
devices use some version of Linux and a few some version of Windows.  Just that 
you can not get to the underlying OS easily.  The real issue is the 
user-interface and not many companies get it right consistently.  

As far as HI; I am an Mac user, switched from Win a long time ago (started with 
Dos 1.3) though had to use both for work.  I like the Mac, I am not fan of iOS; 
it is personal.

So all of us will have a differing viewpoint on the human interface...

Phoenix, C&C 32

On Wed, 2/19/14, Stevan Plavsa <stevanpla...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Stus-List Marine systems
 To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
 Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 6:06 PM
 Do you guys know what
 OS Raymarine, Garmin et al use? I'm sure they're
 different but I'm guessing they are all proprietary to
 their brand. Is that correct? If it is, that would mean that
 they have a whole team of people developing their OS,
 A thought: why don't they simply license
 Android, fire their software department (or re-orient them
 to create amazing Raymarine/Garmin, whatever apps for
 Android) and make more money? We the consumer get a platform
 that's much more flexible than what those devices are
 currently running plus access to all these wonderful apps,
 which would only get better and better if there was a
 hardware environment for them more suitable to the marine
 environment than tablets. The fact that Raymarine now has
 apps for those devices is telling, people are clearly using
 tablets on their boats. I think they have it backwards.
 Don't bring raymarine to the android device. Bring
 Android to the raymarine device. The marine tech companies
 are in the hardware business first, software is secondary.
 They should stick to their core competency and let the big
 guys do the software part. More frequent updates and bug
 fixes, a standard user experience regardless of
 manufacturer. The freedom and ability to run all kinds of
 apps on your boat computer (because that's what a chart
 plotter is). Etc. There's already a software environment
 which means there is demand in the market (navionics, mx
 mariner, opencpn, etc). My feeling is that the software
 companies are going to be able to provide much better apps
 for us than what raymarine and garmin are currently giving
 Imagine a raymarine computer at your helm, just
 like their top of the line plotter but you can install
 whatever you want on it and do whatever you can currently do
 with your android device (because it runs android). If they
 wanted to, they could port their chart software to android
 and sell it as an app or provide coupon codes to download it
 free with the purchase of their hardware. Why is Raymarine
 developing music playing apps and weather apps for their
 proprietary platform? That costs money! and this stuff
 already exists.
 Think blackberry. They got it all wrong. Along
 came Samsung and took the entire market (Apple too, but
 Samsung is #1). If blackberry licensed Android before the
 whole end game thing happened I think they'd still be
 around, and profitable. People liked their platform, sure,
 but what they really liked was their hardware.
 I've played around with the chart plotters at the boat
 show and the chandleries. I wasn't really impressed with
 any of the interfaces. They should continue to build amazing
 marine grade HARDWARE and let the people that know software
 handle that part. 
 Someone is going to come along and do this.
 Personally, I would buy a "Marine Tough" android
 device for the helm before I purchased any purpose built
 plotter. It would do everything that a plotter does plus so
 much more (for those times when you're alongside a dock
 and want to watch a movie in the cockpit or some other
 frivolous thing like facebook or the C&C mailing list ;)
 ). Hell, install a display down below. 
 "Computer. Play movie. Terminator
 2."And so on. Science fiction had it all
 figured out with Hal. One central computer. 
 One computer to rule them all and in the dorkness
 bind them.
 I wish I was capable of starting a business like
 this, I'de do it myself. 
 Most people have MULTIPLE computers on board. The
 VHF these days is a computer, the laptop at the nav station,
 the chart plotter, the instrument displays .. why?!!! Just
 give me one CPU running a commonly used platform and let the
 software companies duke it out. Plug in a bunch of dumb
 displays or interactive displays, whatever your budget
 allows. Hook up all your transducers and sensors and
 you're off to the races. Focus on making amazing marine
 hardware and continue to charge marine prices for it. Stop
 spending money on coders to maintain your proprietary system
 and MAKE MORE MONEY. Or like I said before, turn them into
 an App department and port what they've already got as
 apps .. FOR SALE!
 Rambling thoughts on a
 wednesday night.
 Someone's going to owe me a beer if this
 SteveSuhana, C&C
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