I do not find the volume of emails to be an issue. That said, there is the issue of how does one keep those one wants to? I offer this suggestion for the good of the order. I use Outlook and would assume similar technology applies for other programs.
1) Establish two new separate folders in Outlook, one to receive all postings and one to save the postings you want to save. Name them anything you wish. 2) Under Tools / Rule, establish a rule that any emails containing cnc-list@cnc-list.com in the "to" -or- contain Stus-List in the subject be sent to the first folder. In the folder, set the posting order to be by conversation. This will segregate all the C&C emails from your other emails and display them by subject. Review is much faster if under View / Reading Pane you set the reading pane to be on to the right so you do not have to actually open each email. You can skip entire threads if desired. 3) When you find a posting you want to keep, go to the listing of emails in the first folder, right click on that email and specify it be moved to your second folder. This will house all the postings you wish to keep and may be sorted any number of ways. 4) When you are done reviewing the first folder, simply go to the last posting, press "shift" and "up arrow" to highlight all the emails then press delete to remove them all in one step. I have participated in this list for over 10 years and am continually amazed at the depth and breadth of information and willingness of so many to share their knowledge and to help. My saved folder now has some 600 entries that I periodically research and never fail to find the answer. Hope this helps John and Maryann Legacy III 1982 C&C 34 Noank, CT --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. http://www.avast.com
_______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.com CnC-List@cnc-list.com