Hi Peter and David,

This is very interesting for me.  Ultimately, my project with these things is 
for building a model sailboat that is semi-autonmous.  Give it a list of 
waypoints, and it will navigate to them.  This is already implemented 
commercially for model planes, and there are various attempts at trans-atlantic 
crossings with model sailboats (so far unsuccessful).
  To begin the learning process, I am using arduino and a wind direction 
instrument to automatically adjust the sheet for the apparent wind.  And to get 
more realtime practice with the arduino, I am adding to the NEMA-based system 
on Cats Paw to derive tilt-compensated true heading info.  A tilt-compensated 
Hall effect compass module from Sparkfun generates the NEMA code for magnetic 
heading, and the RMC sentence from a little GPS unit provides the local 
magnetic variation.  So that allows construction of HDG (magnetic heading + 
deviation and variation), which standard nav programs like MacENC or iNavX can 
use to get true headings.
  I have not even started putting together an autopilot for the model (on Cats 
Paw I use a Raymarine wheel pilot), but would love to learn more about how you 
implement the "learning" steps in having the autopilot make the appropriate 
rudder corrections for a certain course error.
  My guess is these projects will not be of interest to lots of the Stus-list, 
so perhaps we should start communicating offline.  Interested?

Eric Frank
Cat's Paw
C&C 35 Mk II
Mattapoisett, MA

> From: David Paine <paineda...@gmail.com>
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Homebrew autopilot
> Message-ID:
>       <cantme359m12gxtortu3jrnd7qgbjh+5g03wyp-amz1txfov...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> Hi Peter,
> I built a homebrew below deck autopilot for my C&C33 a couple of years ago
> using a linear actuator, a mechanical clutch, a H-bridge-like serial power
> controller from Pololu, an arduino, a transreflective serial LCD display,
> four buttons, and most important of all, a digital compass with serial
> communication (NMEA 0183) operating at 10Hz which, along with a sparkfun
> gyro (15 degrees/sec) provides heading information.  I bout everything from
> ebay and probably have $250 and untold hours invested)   The programming is
> fairly easy with arduino since there is a PID controller library available
> (use two, one for the positioning of the actuator, the other for correcting
> for the course error (the difference between the intended course and the
> present heading.
> I've used my autopilot  on many long solo trips including one 80 m mile
> offshore run with 20 kn wind directly astern and a large swell off the
> quarter (during which I was able to sleep for four hours as the system was
> so stable.
> Hints:  Forget using GPS (or wind) alone to set the course you need much
> faster response time and that is why you need a 10 Hz heading signal.  I
> thought about using a Kalman filter but soon learned that Kalman filter
> math is serious juju and was very glad to have stuck with PID control -- we
> only have two degrees of freedom its not like it's a quadracopter!  The
> worst part of my system as it stands now is the mechanical clutch to engage
> and disengage the actuator -- one day I will find a hydraulic actuator
> which will allow a solenoid to disengage the actuator.  Raymarine actuators
> have an electromechanical clutch which is also nice but consumes more
> current than I like.  Also, try to use components with serial
> communications protocols -- these will have on board filtering and make the
> whole exercise much easier.
> Best,
> David
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 2:24 AM, Colomba <colo...@peter-gottwald.de> wrote:
>> Good day
>> I`m wondering if there is anybody who want to build a DIY autopilot? If
>> so, it would be interesting to discuss/combine ideas.
>> In the moment my idea ... and what I`ve done so far is following:
>> - Controll unit with a raspberry pi
>> - language Python (because I really do not know C to handle this properly)
>> The idea in the moment is to use this year the old wheel pilot (Navico) as
>> steering unit. If the controll unit will work fine, I will change the
>> steering unit next winter and will mount a linear drive under deck.
>> What I`ve done up to now ...
>> I took the code of FishPi autopilot as basic to change to the things which
>> I think are usefull.
>> For time being I integrated a compass/magnetrometer/accelerometer module,
>> called cmps10. It`s cheap and doing it`s job.
>> For GPS signal I`m using a simple USB GPS mouse to figure out
>> Lon/Lat/speed/course
>> ... not done yet ... integrate a reader for wind direction. On board I
>> have the NASA clipper instruments and will read this datas via Atmel
>> microchip, connected to the controll system via I2Cbus. Atmel Afinity 1327
>> Chip is programmed and working, but up to now no test if it`s working with
>> the NASA clipper instrument, due to the fact, mast is down for winter... so
>> I have to play arround first to test it on board, but ... it`s cold
>> outside, so I`m still waiting.
>> Rudderangle, just working, with a potentiometer and signals collected by
>> GPIO pins of raspberry pi.
>> Route planing .... FishPi provide the idea of integrating routes in gpx
>> format. I think that idea is ok for an autonomus vehicle, but I do not like
>> that idea. I`ve tested to run opencpn and FishPi parallel on the raspberry
>> .... and it works, so I take the signal from opencpn for heading to next
>> waypoint via UDP and can use opencpn.
>> For output, Ive integrated a motor controll via SDA network, which should
>> work with a PA with the wheel unit. Not tested yet.
>> There are a lot of things to do to get everything working nicely.
>> - define sailing situation with no go areas (i.e. downwind or app +-38?
>> head wind)
>> - define a "learning tool" to define rudder gain vs heeling and
>> acceleration, my idea is to create a simple database and to store real life
>> datas.
>> - implement a kalman filter or a complementary filter (which I prefere for
>> time being)
>> - of cause ... to find a nice housing and screen to have the stuff mounted
>> at wheel also to sea seamap at wheel
>> One may say, hey, you can by this stuff, exactly what you want ...
>> correct. But first of all, the hardware will cost me as DIY project about
>> 100 ? instead of min 1000 ? ... the other thing is, it makes fun to create
>> the own platform.
>> So, if anybody is interesting to join this project, he/she is wellcome ;-)
>> best regards
>> Peter
>> C&C34 Colomba

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