It really isn't about the yelling or chaos but the not being able to see. 
I don't do 'yelling' because it causes panic and chaos. 
I have two rules when docking or undocking on Mistral which I tell everyone..
1). Talk amongst yourselves but don't include me in the conversation , don't 
say my name unless it's an emergency, because I'm working on plan A,  
considering B and formulating C incase I need it. 
2). Know before leaving or coming in that you commit to assisting in both OR 
commit to staying out of it. 

No chaos so far!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 7, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Rich Knowles <> wrote:
> Second that motion! No yelling = no chaos. Hand signals rule. Reliance on 
> fragile electronics when you are only 40' away at best seems vulnerable too. 
> Big project crane movements are run on hand signals except when the crane 
> operator cannot see the person directing the operation. Cheaper too:)
> Rich
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 12:20, "Dennis C." <> wrote:
>> A quiet boat is a successful boat.  Training and practice are the keys.
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