Hi Edd
LORAN transmissions stopped a couple of years ago and the transmission
towers were torn down. But there is a new kid in town, eLoran - a
higher tech version. It is being trialed in places where GPS is not so
hot (far north) and in areas where either GPS failure or GPS jamming
would be a catastrophe - south Korea, and the English Channel...
You would need a new unit, so it is safe to turf the one you have.
Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11
On 2014-01-07 11:37 AM, Edd Schillay wrote:
I would love to see some pics. I was thinking of going with black
semi-translucent panels that could give me some easy access and be
easy to cut into. And, I could put "bridge graphics" in the areas
where I have nothing (http://i.imgur.com/4nchY.jpg)
Could make for an interesting project. I just getting tired at looking
at a LORAN unit that I never use --- I don't even think they are
transmitting LORAN anymore.
All the best,
Edd M. Schillay
Starship Enterprise
C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
City Island, NY
Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log Website
On Jan 6, 2014, at 6:10 PM, Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com
<mailto:muckl...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I got a 2'x4' sheet of 1/8 inch ABS black plastic (grainger item
1ZBT4 = $25.30). I cut and rounded the corners and filed/sanded the
edges. Then I also got some quarter turn latches (EMKA #ELH-861 in
black = $6.65 x4). I cut the plastic sheet to take up the whole
height and width of the section. I had to cut holes in the exsisting
material for the latches to fit through. When I'm ready to put
something in that section, it is going to have a really nice means of
access, kinda similar to the stock switch panel.
I'll send pics if I get a chance.
Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
Solomons, MD
On Jan 6, 2014 5:23 PM, "Edd Schillay" <e...@schillay.com
<mailto:e...@schillay.com>> wrote:
The previous owner had some electronics installed (a LORAN, car
stereo, old autopilot control, etc.) that I'm thinking of removing.
I'd love to hear from people who have removed large units from
their instrument panel and what you did with the rectangular
holes left behind. Any advice, tips or photographs would be great.
All the best,
Edd M. Schillay
Starship Enterprise
C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
City Island, NY
Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log Website
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