
Remember, the ocean deserves a very healthy level of respect.  I grew up in
a fishing town, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.  The hundresd of names of family
members lost at sea and now carved in stone serve to remind me.  Those were
good men and experienced sailors we lost.

I have read your posts and the questions you have brought to this list for
a quite a while now. I know nothing else about you but:

I sense a bit much "daring" and less than enough "caring" in your level of
respect for the hardly ever is what you expect before you leave
port, changes happen fast sometimes

Dwight Veinot
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Curtis <> wrote:

> I have sailed this area for the last 2 years. I know the sound very well.
> I have crossed the sound 4 or 5 times in foul weather. I have no intention
> of challenging the weather "YET". I only want to start the training
> offshore. Straight out and back again.  maybe 5 or 6 times going a little
> further each time. Getting confidence in the boat and in me and the gear. I
> will let plenty of folks know i'm going and I will pick a good window.
> leaving early 4:am or so in the am on an out going tide should put me back
> at the dock by 3:pm gives me 2.5 hours of daylight.
> I will take all safety precautions before I go. I'm thinking around march
> if the weather is nice. I do have to haul the boat first and get 2 sea-cock
> backing plates replaced and install my new transducer for the sonar. I got
> the new Garmin Echo 50s for Christmas and need it to do bottom soundings. I
> have an old Garmin 215 now that I will keep as a back up. I have an st4000
> auto-helm and st50 speed, depth, wind, vmg that help alot whin I'm by my
> self.
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:25 PM, Andrew Burton 
> <>wrote:
>> Overdress for the weather. And don't mess with the weather. If the
>> forecast is iffy, don't go. It can be really snotty in that area. I never
>> take chances there. I suggest you be part of a delivery crew a few times
>> before going offshore by yourself.
>> Andy
>> C&C 40
>> Peregrine
>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Curtis <> wrote:
>>> It was 60 degrees here yesterday. and will be in the teens tonight. I
>>> will pick a warmer window. I will not be cold. Will not much or I will not
>>> go.I hate cold, However I do have a sense of ergency.
>>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Dave Godwin <> wrote:
>>>> Curtis, are you planning on doing this in the near future? If so, are
>>>> you prepared for some rather cold hours at sea?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Dave
>>>> 1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
>>>> Reedville - Chesapeake Bay
>>>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 1:22 PM, Curtis <> wrote:
>>>> > So I'm as some of you know in the process of moving to the next step
>>>> in my training. I'm in the planing stages of my first over-night near shore
>>>> passage. I will leave early am: 4:00 with a full moon to help and head out
>>>> to the "R 4" F1 R4s @ 32-05,901"N  080-35,099W this is the channel into
>>>> Port Royal sound Beaufort SC.
>>>> > I intend to sail out with the tide its a 19 mile ride I figure 5.5
>>>> knots of speed? That will put me there at Day break or just after 3.45 hrs.
>>>> > Then run straight east for 5nm to 32-029'899N  080-29'988 W That will
>>>> take a nother 90 min,
>>>> > Here, I will turn south to 32-03,997W 080-29'167W 1.92 miles = 34min
>>>> > Here i will turn back west to 32-03'984W 080-34'965w this 4.92 leg
>>>> take .89 min
>>>> > Then I will turn North to will bring me the 4.92 nm back to to the "R
>>>> 4" F1 R4s @ 32-05,901"N  080-35,099W the bell marker at the mouth of the
>>>> channel. Then my hope will be to take the the Tide back in.
>>>> > So here is the question." If I do this near shore how much will the
>>>> tide effect my timing in the course: I plugged in the 5.5 based off motor
>>>> speed.
>>>> > All together time from the dock and back to the dock. 10.956 hours to
>>>> cover 60.26nm
>>>> > How much time will the tide cost me off shore? I know a bought the
>>>> tide in and out of the river. Just need help with the offshore expectation?
>>>> > Thanks again. let me know if you need more information.
>>>> > LT
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
>>>> should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat
>>>> >
>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>> > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
>>> --
>>> “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
>>> should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
>> --
>> Andrew Burton
>> 61 W Narragansett Ave
>> Newport, RI
>> USA 02840
>> phone  +401 965 5260
>> _______________________________________________
>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
> --
> “Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
> should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat
> _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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