The reverse performance on Windburn was fairly bad for the first 30 - 60 
seconds. The PO had the gearbox
adjusted and was told everything was good, that it was an known issue on Atomic 

The fix was switching the engine oil to Castrol 4 stroke motorcycle oil 
compatible with a wet clutch. After a
couple of oil changes forward and reverse work well after about 2 seconds in 
gear, and after a motor in
in forward reverse works well. I dock bow in, and previously giving a quick 
blast in reverse did little to
stop us.

The transmission and clutches on the Paragon gearbox are bathed in engine oil. 
Some of the newer motor
oils have friction modifiers added that seem to work very well preventing the 
clutches from grabbing. I guess
after a short period of time the pressure forces the thin film out and the 
clutch works. The original spec
for engine oil did not require the friction modifiers, doubt they even existed, 
so the Castrol is a good choice.

No idea if you have the same issue but I can get up to speed in reverse in 
about 1 boat length enough to
have good steerage. If you are taking a bit of a run at it does it feel like 
you are not getting solid power for
a few seconds?

Michael Brown
Windburn C&C 30-1

> Another trick I use with the 30-1, (which is really crappy when backing - - - 
> what with the offset prop). My old slip was on a narrow channel and I backed 
> the boat in - start down the channel going backwards - get a little speed up 
> and > drive it like a car, facing backwards. Seems to work pretty well, and 
> can be stopped with a little blast of forward. When I docked before, I would 
> go up the channel, stop and then try to back in - didn't have enough way on 
> to get > effective rudder control. If I back in from a distance, the rudder 
> is already doing its job. 

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