Ø ... there is another boat tied up to leeward on an adjoining finger...<
I use a set of "bail out" fenders on the leeward side. If I pooch a single-handed landing and Calypso drifts towards the neighbor (+-4' separation) the "bail out" fenders allow Calypso to lay against the similar sized neighbor until I am able to sort things out. The rest of my single-handed docking strategy is similar to the earlier finger pier comments. Martin Calypso 1971 C&C 43 Seattle From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of dwight Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 3:42 PM To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Subject: Re: Stus-List single handing It all sounds good Chuck. How do you like pulling into a finger when the wind is blowing 10-15 broadside off the finger, and then sometimes to complicate it all there is another boat tied up to leeward on an adjoining finger so you have very little room for error. Docking under windy conditions is the real test; anyone can do it with a little practice and some good planning under calm conditions. So I prefer calm conditions or docking into a straight headwind...I have a 3 blade autoprop that has good forward and reverse power but which sometimes hesitates to engage just when I need it most while docking and that requires a shot on the throttle to fix, but I have very little room to do a shot on the throttle...still no accidents so far but mostly I sail off a mooring, guess maybe that is a reason that I am getting very little practice nowadays.
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