Manitoba sent all available linesmen to help out. I hope things recover soon.
Brent D 27-5 Lake Winnipeg Sent from my iPhone > On Dec 25, 2013, at 9:31 AM, Michael Brown <> wrote: > > > Toronto had a cold night last night, more of an impact than normal since > thousands are still without electricity. > Sunday morning around 2 AM about 300,000 customers in Ontario lost power, > currently about 70,000 are still > waiting to have power restored. A customer means a meter, could be an > apartment, house or a whole building. > > In Barrie, about 100 km north of Toronto, we hit -5F last night. Makes the > snow squeaky when you walk on it, > sort of the sound of white styrene. > > Things are suppose to be back to normal by the weekend, highs around the > freezing mark and power restored > to everyone. I do wonder if we have become too reliant on an infrastructure > that appears to be fragile. While > losing power for a while in a well insulated home with a wood burning stove > is inconvenient, what do 80 year > old pensioners living in a 20+ floor apartment do for 5 days with no > elevator, heat or water? I think Toronto > can handle a few thousand people in an emergency, and they had a few this > summer, but there was over > half a million people affected Sunday. The news coverage called it a "massive > ice storm", but the people I > spoke with said about 3/8 - 1/2" of ice accumulated over a period of a few > hours. Enough to down power lines, > tree limbs and whole trees, but Mother Nature could have done much worse. > > Michael Brown > Windburn > C&C 30-1 > > > Message: 3 > Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 15:15:23 -0600 > From: Frederick G Street <> > To: "Ronald B. Frerker" <>, > Subject: Re: Stus-List Merry Christmas to all > Message-ID: <> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252" > > This morning when I got up it was -17F / -27C ? that?s air temp. Windchill > about 10F / 5C colder. Anyone else wanna go for bragging rights? :^) > > You guys down further south (including Toronto) must be freezing this year? > at least we?re (more or less) used to it. > > Fred Street -- Minneapolis > S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI :^( > > On Dec 24, 2013, at 3:00 PM, Ronald B. Frerker <> wrote: > > > Merry Christmas from a rather cold St. Louis this year; 7F this AM, rather > > well below normal. > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > >
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