Holidays on the water......

I spent a wonderful Thanksgiving night anchored at a small island off the west 
tip of Petit Bois Island in Mississippi Sound. Temps in the mid 50's, quiet, 
amazingly clear, lots of stars. The best part was a pod of dolphins blowing 
around the boat for a couple hours in the late evening. 

I'll remember that night forever. 

 Joyeux Noel 

Dennis C.
Touché 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 24, 2013, at 1:14 PM, Wally Bryant <> wrote:
> Happy Holidays.  <>
> Yeah, I know, Santa only has one eye and seems to be sticking his tongue out. 
>  And my rubber ducky is pretty sunburned.
> It sneaked up on me again this year.  It was twenty years ago today that I 
> pulled into Placencia, Belize, not realizing it was Christmas Eve and but 
> aware that I had no food.  I think the town had a population of 50, and the 
> only little store was closed for two days.  Christmas dinner was a can of 
> Pringles on the beach.  Hey, sometimes the most memorable Christmases are the 
> least expected.
> Wal
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