I've been lurking on this list for some time now and I was active on the old 
C&C list from maybe 8 to 10 years ago.  I recognize a lot of the names from the 
old list on here.

I am undergoing a fuel tank replacement.  The new fuel tank is due to arrive in 
several days.  I ordered a 1/4-inch thick tank (the old one was 0.090" thick) 
with a corrosion-resistant coating on the outside from Florida Marine Tanks.

I have emailed Wally Bryant because I knew he replaced his after 24 years.  
Mine is now 30 years old.  I have had tell tale signs of leakage for 
years--notably the dark puddle just forward of the tank and the last time I 
changed the Racor filter (September) I had a lot of "caking" on the outside of 
the element.  Just to be sure The tank was leaking, I poked a long screw driver 
up into the limber hole just forward of the tank and, sure enough, some diesel 
fuel leaked out and the foam under the tank was saturated in diesel fuel.

My boat is now at the yard and they will be removing the old tank next week.   
We plan to cut away the small bulkhead just forward of the tank and slide the 
tank forward about a foot and then manhandle it around to the starboard cockpit 
locker.  When the new tank is in place, the small bulkhead will be replaced 
with a new one.

The tank will clearly not fit thru the starboard cockpit locker--so, the yard 
intends to remove some of the bulkhead aft of the water heater and move it into 
the cabin and the out thru the companionway.  (When Wally did his the engine 
was not in place.)

I am hoping that some others on this list have gone thru the same fuel tank 
replacement and can offer some advice.  Are we on the right track or are we 
missing something?  I'd appreciate any comments!

Bob Boyer
S/V Rainy Days (1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230)
Annapolis, Maryland
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