
Your a one man rendezvous!

Congrats to a real C and C man.

                                                      David F. Risch
(401) 419-4650 cell

-----Original Message-----
From: "Richard N. Bush" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 13:31:04 
To: <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List : new boat, 1985 C&C 37

Danny, thanks!  In answer to your question, "How long ago did you buy your 
first C&C?"    We bought the 25 in 1988; it has its own story; we live in 
Louisville KY but the boat was in Lake Travis, which is just outside of Austin 
Texas; however, the boat was part of an estate and the Executrix of the Estate 
lived in nearby Indiana; we took a trailer and drove to Austin and brought the 
boat back ourselves; about 1000 miles each way...; We were stopped in Arkansas 
by a State trooper who grilled us for about an hour about being a commercial 
boat hauler, and wanting to see log books, and then, after we had provided all 
of the proof about the  asked  about how to keep the teak clean on his 
runabout! What fun! 

 Richard N. Bush Law Offices 
 2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 9
 Louisville, Kentucky 40220 
-----Original Message-----
 From: djhaughey <>
 To: cnc-list <>
 Sent: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 6:24 am
 Subject: Re: Stus-List : new boat, 1985 C&C 37
That's amazing Richard!  Congratulations!  How long ago did you buy your first 
 Best of luck getting her into the water this spring!
 T-Mobile. America's First Nationwide 4G Network
----- Reply message -----
 From: "Rich Knowles" < <> >
 To: " <> " 
< <> >
 Subject: Stus-List : new boat, 1985 C&C 37
 Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2013 3:00 am
Well done, Richard!  A true bear for punishment! 

 On Dec 13, 2013, at 1:37, "Richard N. Bush" < 
<> > wrote:
Hello friends; I am happy to let you know that I have just received delivery of 
my fourth (yes 4th!), C&C; a 1985 37; centerboard model.  We had many issues 
getting it trucked in from Newburyport, MA; mostly weather related, but some 
delays due to the trucking company. 
It is in pretty good shape, however, because we're in this deep freeze I wont 
be able to make a really good assessment of what needs to be done until it 
warms up a bit.   I will have a million questions then!    
A C&C is a novelty here on the Ohio River; the only ones anyone around here 
have seen have been those which we have brought in; first we brought a 1982 25 
from Austin Texas; then a 1985 29-2 from Cleveland; then a 1987 33-2 from 
Jacksonville, Fl, and now the 37;  the 29 went to Tennessee, but the 25 is 
still here; and of course the 33-2 is up for sale-I am what the realtors call a 
"motivated seller"!; 
The local guys asked me why I stayed with the C&C; I thought about it; 
originally I bought the 25 without knowing anything about C&C's other than a 
general reputation for being quality boats; after I had the boat  a while, I 
was impressed by the workmanship on the 25 so when I wanted to move up, I 
looked at the 29s; then when we wanted something bigger, I went for the sailing 
ability of the 33-2; now, I figure I have enough research knowledge (mostly 
through the collective wisdom of this group) and hands-on experience that I 
couldn't go wrong in staying in the C&C line.  The truth is, I looked at other 
brands and simple kept coming back to the  C&C; as someone said in the recent 
thread about taxes; the C&Cs are the best bang for your buck and they sail 
better than anything else out there. 
Many thanks, 
1985 37; Ohio River, Mile 584; 

 Richard N. Bush Law Offices 
 2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 9
 Louisville, Kentucky 40220 
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