Firefly (27 Mk III) did much better this year going to a new North 145%. Better 
point, better boat speed than with the older #1.

From: "Hoyt, Mike" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 8:44:08 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Old Sails Suck

We won our class in Chester this year.  We also sailed a lot faster with the 
new #1 than the old one.  In past years if we had breeze and could justify the 
#3 we did that at earliest possible minute and did much better in winds 15+ 
than in lighter wind.  The old #1 we hated - we could never get it right 
because the draft was molded too far aft.  We had to always run the jib halyard 
extremely tight just to get teh draft anywhere near where we wanted - also had 
to have forestay tension much higher than otherwise would be the case for same 
reason.  The new #1 is just really really nice and a pleasure to trim.  I have 
not heard Andrew swear at it once this year compared to the usual "I hate this 
sail" at least once during a race with the old one.  Mind you the old one was 
likely a bit blown out.
The main just looks pretty.  It is very nice not to have to spend 40 minutes 
taping holes prior to a regatta or a major race,  Despite that the old main 
still worked reasonably well but was still not as nice as the new one - because 
again it had lost some of its shape.
Koob is in fact a pretty fast hull.  Fun boat
crew Koobalibra C&C115 59115

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of dwight
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Old Sails Suck

So did Koobalibra place better and win more often with the new inventory?
From:CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Hoyt, Mike
Sent: December 3, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: Stus-List Old Sails Suck
Meant to put this as an aside on Sam's thread.  New main and #1 on Koobalibra 
C&C115 this past summer.  The difference between these and the 6 year old sails 
is like high tech winter tires to bald tires in a snow storm ....
From:CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 12:58 AM
Subject: Stus-List Halyard Tension
Reading the tread about halyards, and an earlier post about furlers reminded me 
to ask a question of you racers out there: -
I don’t race - only because there’s no-one racing on our lake. Although I have 
done a couple of Swiftsures.
But I like passing boats and hate it when boats pass me!
My boat has been pretty well upgraded with all rope halyards; new adjustable 
genoa cars; self tailers; new traveller; barbour haulers; and new Dacron sails 
5 seasons ago.
I sail with a 135% genoa on a furler. While sailing I adjust the genoa halyard 
regularly to move draft in the sail as the wind changes. (I do the same with 
the main too!)
Now the question:
Late this season I bought a new high tech, Kevlar, carbon, kryptonite, 135% 
I’m assuming I don’t adjust halyard tension with this new sail as I don’t think 
the sail will distort like a Dacron sail.
Similarly, when I buy a matching main, main halyard and Cunningham adjustment 
will become redundant. Am I correct with this assumption?
If this is correct, are there any trimming adjustments with these new high tech 
sails that I should become familiar with? Do you trim these newer sails any 
different than the old Dacron sails?
What new techniques do I need to absorb?
sam :-)
C&C 26  Liquorice
Ghost Lake   Alberta .
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