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Bill Coleman C&C 39 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of henry evans Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:16 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Coinjock RE: Andrew running the ditch south Peter, One other thought. Pick up the 2014 Waterway Guide for the ICW. I and others updated that last spring. Since then, there have been over 500 updates and those can be found on the Waterway Guide web site. If you follow the guide and read the updates on the web site, you will have the most current, up to date information available. When I send in an update say on shoaling in a cut in Georgia, it is posted on the site within 6 hours. You can't get any more current information. Web site is free. Waterway Guide is $39. Cheap insurance to save a night like you had. Cheers, Hank On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 9:34 AM, Petar Horvatic <> wrote: I got stuck in the mud one night just passed coinjock pretty bad, no tides there. It was that first left bend. When you make that first left after the stretch of straight waterway at coinjock. Trying to get myself out of the mud not knowing if I’m in the channel or not was not fun. Took anchor deployments, tilting the boat by rising the dinghy on the boom along the side, etc…. I was muddy tired and miserable, about the say f** it and just go to bed like that, but then I saw a huge tug come right by me too close for comfort. They all appear bigger and closer all lit up in pitch black. He obviously just went about his business probably laughing hi a88 off. By the wee hours of the morning I was once again floating, and decided to go back to a slip in coinjock and sleep for a while. The next morning I was freaking out a little bit even in daylight going by the scene of the “death trap”. >From that day on, never in the dark in the ICW. My old log from those days is here. Petar Horvatic Sundowner 76 C&C 38MkII Newport, RI
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