Never mind. Somebody has them and has contacted Sergei.
Dennis C.
> From: Dennis C. <>
>To: Cn Clist <>
>Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:33 PM
>Subject: Stus-List 35-1 rudder drawings for stranded sailor
>This came to the Detroit 35-1 site. Can any lister help Sergei out? He needs
>drawings for a 35-1 rudder.
>Dennis C.
>Touche' 35-1 #83
>Mandeville, LA
>----- Forwarded Message -----
>>From: Kevin Rossell <>
>>Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:07 PM
>>Subject: [detroitcandc35] FW: [C&C 35-1 Sailing Association of Detroit] Hi
>This came in to our Facebook page – does anyone have drawings of the rudder?
>From:Sergei Morozov []
>Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 3:17 AM
>To: C&C 35-1 Sailing Association of Detroit
>Subject: [C&C 35-1 Sailing Association of Detroit] Hi everyone!
>Sergei Morozov posted in C&C 35-1 Sailing Association of Detroit
> Sergei Morozov 3:16am Nov 23
>Hi everyone!
>I have C & C Boat 35MI 1972. Since December 2011 I travel a single
>circumnavigation. On the last step of Madagascar - Cape Town I took off the
>rudder during the squall.
>Do not tell me - where I can find drawings with dimensions of the rudder for
>my model boat?
>Standing in Richards Bay, South Africa.
>All circumnavigation description with photos and video
in my blog:
> S. Afrika, Richards Bay. Great news! / Ю.Африка, Ричардс Бэй. Прекрасные
> новости!
>Поднялись!... Осмотрелись... Прослезились... это все, что осталось от пера
>руля Пока стоим так, проп...
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