Hello all, Now that I don't have the boat any more (thanks Sandy), it's time to clean up. I never got to install these detectors. They're brand new, still in the original packaging.
Links to the relevant Defender pages: FireBoy - Xintex Gasoline Fume Detector http://www.defender.com/product.jsp?path=-1|135|2290081|2290087&id=122183 List: $393.29 Defender price @234.99. I'll accept $200. FireBoy - Xintex Sentinel Carbon Monoxide Detector Model 4M http://www.defender.com/product.jsp?path=-1|135|2290081|2290083&id=337647 List: $166.97 Defender price $112.99. I have the CMD-3M. Slightly different. I'll accept $90. FireBoy - Xintex Sentinel LPG Propane Gas Fume Detector http://www.defender.com/product.jsp?path=-1|2276204|2276252|2276256&id=122139 List: $394.10 Defender price: $239.99. I'll accept $200. Thanks for reading... Augustine _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album http://www.cncphotoalbum.com CnC-List@cnc-list.com