Good question.  I consulted with both the engine manufacturer and the Martec 
guy who went back and forth in a range and we settled on this.  The Martec guy 
actually wanted me to swing a larger diameter prop with slightly less pitch but 
short of moving the strut, that wasn't going to happen.

The history of this install is that it was preceded by an install of an EYI 
identical engine into a 1974 CC 35-ii which I got to see in action and that 
owner stuck with his existing prop which was originally powered by an ATOMIC 4 
and even though adjustments in gearing could be made on the electric, it was 
felt from that experience that a coarser pitch was desirable.  There was a lot 
of discussion on slippage, true torque values etc. so we'll see if we 
over-engineered it, or hit a sweet spot.

The natural operating range of the EYI is around 1400 RPM and as an electrical 
engineer, you can understand the spectrum of torque characteristics of an 
electric is different from an internal combustion engine (ICE), so we'll see.  
I am still keeping my 14x6 in case we are geared too far up.  It's like the 
diesel electrics of locomotive technology or electric street cars or subways or 
trains.  There is a lot more torque at the low RPM end than with an ICE.

How that is going to affect reverse, is going to be interesting.  Then again, 
I'm old fashioned, the only reason I even have an engine is to reduce the 
anxiety of my club friends.  I normally don't like to go backwards in a boat, 
but with modern yards, it is a necessity, so we'll set up the GO PRO for the 
sea trials....


Alexander M. Giannelia, B.A.A.
912-555 Richmond Street West
P.O. Box 1008
TORONTO, Ontario

Office:      +1(416) 203-9858
Fax:           +1(416) 203-9843
Mobile:    +1(416) 529-0070

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