Buck Algonquin is quality stuff!  I used Buck Algonquin hose and clamps


---------- Original Message ----------
From: Alex Giannelia <a...@airsensing.com>
To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Stus-List STUFFING BOXES
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 16:11:50 -0400

I noticed one of the items posted mentioned a "Buck Algonquin" stuffing box and 
found it on line.  Is this what was on the old C&C'S?

One of the local suppliers here sells something made by SPARTAN, so if any 
listers have had either on their boat, please let me know of your views

Alex Giannelia
CC 35-II 1974 to be renamed after re-launch
TORONTO, Ontario


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