Even though this has been talked about before I am curious to hear about
others experiences.

I am trying to determine (through trial and error, accent on error) when
this boat - which is known for its preference to light air - can carry more
sail and when it cannot.

3 weeks ago on a windy day club race we decided on our #3 since DG does not
have a #2.
Wrong choice, most other boats carried #1s, were overpowered at times but
still walked away from us.

2 weeks ago - still breezy - we went with our #1 and came in second place -
the boat sailed well putting in a tuck here in taking it out there.

Last week - windy again and sustained 20+ knot winds. I was determined not
to have a repeat of poor performance due to small sail. We flew the #1 with
a reefed main and at some point put in the second reef. The boat moved well,
nominally at 25 degrees of heel but occasionally more. 3rd place finish, a
much better result, telling me we both can and need to carry the 150 genoa
if we want to compete.

We're still looking for those light air days to blow everyone else away ;-)

Does this correlate with others experiences with the 34? What sail
selections have worked for you in windy conditions?


Steve Hood
S/V Diamond Girl
C&C 34
Lions Head ON

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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