I had exactly the same problem. Changed out the wheel unit with a new-to-me 
(but better condition) unit. Thought that solved the problem. Did it again! I 
found that if I switch off the power to the controller I do not have the 
problem. I know only switch on the auto helm power when I am using it - and 
switch it off whenever I steer by hand. 

Clearly the problem lies with the controller - and mine is the old black unit - 
so no chance of repair / replacement!!

Indigo C&C 35III

On Sep 29, 2013, at 17:52, David Knecht <davidakne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had a problem with my autopilot today I could use some feedback on.  For 
> the last few weeks, the lever that engages/disengages the autopilot would 
> periodically release so that the autopilot ceased being able to turn the 
> wheel.  Once engaged, it seemed to work fine, but the initial engagement 
> seemed to not always stay locked in.  Today, as luck would have it, I was 
> maneuvering in the 10 minutes before that start gun, engaged the pilot to 
> make and adjustment forward, and could not get it to disengage.  The wheel 
> was effectively locked so I could steer with the autopilot, but not by hand.  
> After futzing with it for a few minutes, (trying to not hit someone trying to 
> start) I gave up, lowered the sails, threw out the anchor and proceeded to 
> remove the unit from the wheel.  We only started a few minutes late, but it 
> was annoying to say the least.  I have brought the unit home and I can see no 
> way to get inside it to see if I can figure out what is going on with the 
> connect/disconnect lever.  No disassembly instructions in the manual.  Is 
> this a "send it back to the factory", "throw it in the trash" or other 
> solution?  Thanks- Dave
> David Knecht
> Aries
> 1990 C&C 34+
> New London, CT
> <pastedGraphic.tiff>
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