If you truly have a snatch block you should be able to find a way to open it 
and put the line round the sheave without cutting the line. My new Garhauer 
snatch block has a plunger that you pull and then one cheek swivels to expose 
the sheave. My old "no name" snatch blocks have a spring loaded clasp that can 
be opened to expose the sheave. I am not familiar with Harken's design 

Indigo C&C 35III

On Sep 14, 2013, at 12:50, Ron Kaye <> wrote:

> Following advice of several sages on this list and thank you, we got an aspin 
> with ATN sleeve.  I also got the ratcheted snatch block that ATN sells  to 
> help with the dousing process.  
> So we are stringing this all up and got stuck on a detail.  How to get the 
> snatch block integrated with the dousing line that runs up the sleeve?  That 
> line is a continuous loop and whipped nicely where it attaches to the lines 
> on the collar.  I don't really think the idea is to cut those nice knots?  
> The block is Harken and appears to be constructed such that disassembling 
> would require special tools.  
> Is there an easy way out of this?  
> Thanks 
> Ron & Lisa 
> 35/3 
> To be renamed. 
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