Jonathan, my self tailing winches (secondaries only) are set up so the line 
stripper is about 30 degrees past pointing directly inward.  The line comes off 
the winch into the cockpit when grinding and you can easily see where to hook 
it over when stacking.  No complaints about back pain to date, but they are 
smaller than your primaries an therefore set back a little more from the 

C&C 35-3
Branford, CT

On Sep 11, 2013, at 8:00 AM, Indigo <> wrote:

> Needing advice on whether I should adjust the primary self tailing winches on 
> Indigo (35III)
> My primaries are set closest to the helm - this I do not intend to change as 
> it makes for easier short- handed sailing. However the "finger" (sorry don't 
> know the correct name for it!) that leads the sheet into the jaws are 
> positioned so they point outboard on both starboard and port winches. My 
> pretty inexperienced crew often find it difficult to make a clean release 
> when tacking, and I was wondering if there was a better position for the 
> "finger". I cruise also, so am thinking that placing them inboard might cause 
> them to inflict pain in the backs of folks sitting in the cockpit!
> Would be grateful if other 35Iii owners could please let me know how they 
> have set up their primaries?
> --
> Jonathan
> Indigo C&C 35III
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