Agree. Our club has "Sailor of the Year" trophy. Not necessarily for best 
overall performance but recognizes achievement be it performance, 
participation, crew, sportsmanship, etc.  Very versatile tool for recognition. 

Dennis C.
Touché 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 8, 2013, at 11:00 AM, "Gary Nylander" <> wrote:

> Set up a special "skippers" trophy, for the best overall performance. Still 
> score the boat for overall. If you set up a precedent of scoring the skipper, 
> you could lead to boat shifting.
> For example, we have a trophy for the boat which finishes first (on the 
> water) the most time regardless of handicap just to reward the fast boats, 
> but it is not for the overall multi-series winner. And another for the boat 
> which finishes first on handicap the most times, regardless of her overall 
> scores (may miss races, for example). Things like this are useful when you 
> have a small club with a wide range of handicaps - ours goes from a C&C 115 
> (78) to a Triton (252). The Triton can finish tomorrow and still beat you.
> Gary
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mike
> To: Dennis C. ;
> Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 11:34 AM
> Subject: Re: Stus-List scoring
> Just one more note.  He raced the spring series on one boat.  the summer on 
> another. So he did not change for wind , weather conditions.  It is a new 
> club so we are trying to sent a president. This is just for overall.
> Mike
> From: Dennis C.
> Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 11:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List scoring
> No question about it, always score the boat, not the skipper, unless it is a 
> one design regatta where skippers rotate through different boats.
> Go back to the Notice of Race/Regatta.  It probably reads "boats" not 
> "skippers" under the entry, eligibility, class and division sections.  If 
> not, next time, make sure it does.
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
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