Locate your fluxgate compass, nothing magnetic near it at all angles of
heel.  I had a case where a cordless drill would slide down one end of the
drawer under my navstation and come in closer proximity to the fluxgate
(located under the chart table), all of sudden I was doing circles.  Also on
my boat, navstation has a large storage area in the table, and I tend to
throw electronic gadgets in there.  When the boat heels all that slides
around and would cause the same problem.    

Magnetic would be, laptops, cellphones, cordless drill, cool sailing gadgets
they giveaway at boat shows are often the culprit if they have magnets.  You
can do a test and bring an item close to your pedestal compass and see if it
causes a deflection.  


Petar Horvatic


76 C&C 38MkII

Newport, RI




From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Ron Kaye
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:14 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Stus-List Newbie problems with an older autopilot


We are approaching our 1 year anniversary with our 35-3.  We have finally
got her back in the water after a new bottom job with soda blasting and base
coat etc, and then replacing essential fluids, fixing running lights and a
new head etc. and have been learning her ways and starting to enjoy her
company very muchl.  Last weekend we sailed from our home port in the Rhode
R. to St. Michaels for a two-day trip which was great - with one notable
exception and even broke 6 knots under sail a time or two in moderate wind.
On the return trip the Raymarine Autohelm 4000 (PO- used this for years)
decided to freak out and wanted to turn the boat in hard circles to
starboard.  We couldn't get it to snap out of it - pushed the Standby and
Auto buttons repeatedly, held them in for longer periods, turned the unit
off and back on, unplugged it - essentially everything short of "percussive
maintenance" - which might actually have been a good idea.  I cant find
anything in the user manual that covers this issue unless some internal mode
got somehow switched. 


I'm wondering if this scanario sounds familiar with anyone and hoping there
might be a "Doh!" fix.  We know the unit is old and pretty basic by current
standards.  There was an upgrade kit by Raymarine that used the same drive
hardware with a next generation control head (at4000 model I think it was)
but even that system is now older and the kit has been discontinued by
Raymarine.  Is there some kind of work-around if it comes to that where a
new controller can interface with the existing drive motor? Is there any
inexpensive way out of this?  If the system really should just be completely
replaced we'll do that but hopefully we can avoid that.                

Thanks for any help with this.  

Ron & Lisa 

To be Renamed


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