How about a Beneteau 473 shoal draft?
Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA
> From: Edd Schillay <>
>To: Richard Walter <>; ""
>Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 10:09 AM
>Subject: Re: Stus-List How to sleep on a boat? (Was: Moving from a C&C??)
>Take a good look at a C&C 37+ or 37XL. Great centerline queen-sized berth in
>the aft cabin. Very comfortable.
>No need to climb over the spouse -- unless you're feeling frisky.
>All the best,
>Edd M. Schillay
>Starship Enterprise
>C&C 37+ | City Island, NY
>914.332.4400 | Office
>914.332.1671 | Fax
>914.774.9767 | Mobile
>Sent via iPhone 5
>On Aug 25, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Richard Walter <> wrote:
>As our quest for a more comfortable boat continues, we are finding that one
>issue continues to be a quandary: how do we sleep? Currently we fill in
>INDIGO's u-dinette every night and disassemble it every day; it is effective
>but annoying. Plus we have to climb over each other and the saloon table. We
>are looking at center cockpit boats, including the Landfall 43s. Many have a
>centerline berth, which seems optimal. We don't sail at night and don't plan
>to (so we are not afraid of falling out underway). The transverse and pullman
>style berths both have the "crawl-over" factor; do we want to keep climbing
>over each other to get into/out of bed forever? Not really. Pullman seem a
>little more sleeper-friendly.
>Anyone want to share their experiences with various styles of aft cabin
>berths? What do you like/dislike and why?
>Other boat search factors: we need a functional galley with abundant counter
>space. We don't race, so PHRF matters not at all. We want good/great sailing
>with ease of sail handling.
>This will (hopefully!) be our forever boat, so we want to be planful.
>Thank you all in advance for your consideration.
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