Thanks for the diagram. The bracket as illustrated, showing the stop cable 
attached, is the one I was previously referring to. Unfortunately, my 1980 LF38 
does not have this cable installed. 
Thanks for the additional info Fred, sounds like I have the same set up as your 
boat. Not sure how stiff the throttle should feel, but mine feels stiff enough 
that I don't feel a neutral position throughout the entire travel. I'll have to 
try this out tomorrow that I know there should be some resistance 
I may actually feel it when i'm using the boat. 
---- wrote: 
> Rich,
> I don't believe I have a stop cable. Would the stop cable attach to a bracket 
> close to where the throttle cable connects to. I see a bracket where a cable 
> might attach to there, but no cable. As far as a cable knob, I don't see one 
> either. Below the engine panel and between the fuel gage there are two push 
> in knobs, but they have electrical wires attached to them.
> Not sure if this is original or not? On the plus side, I cleaned up the 
> connections and the tach is working great now.
> Bill
> LF38
> Shearwater Yacht Club
> ---- Knowles Rich <> wrote: 
> > Hi Bill
> > 
> > I have a 3QM30 in my Landfall 38. If you have the original throttle and 
> > stop cable setup on your engine, it sounds as though it needs adjustment or 
> > lubrication.
> > 
> > The engine stop cable when it is pushed in all the way acts as the idle 
> > stop. If either the stop cable is not returning fully or pushed in all the 
> > way, the throttle lever on the fuel pump will retract too far and the 
> > engine will stop. Sometimes a good shot of lubricant or WD30 will fix it, 
> > but it may need more than that.
> > 
> > I see you may be close to me (Halifax). If needs be I can have a look at it 
> > with you. I'm very familiar with it:)
> > 
> > Rich Knowles
> > Halifax, NS.
> > 
> > On 2013-08-17, at 6:42 PM, wrote:
> > 
> > Like Josh, I find the tachometer is most useful for shifting the 
> > transmission. With my 3MQ30, pushing the throttle down too far shuts the 
> > engine off...not what you want to happen while docking. Unfortunately, my 
> > tach just recently only works when the engine is cold...once up to temp, 
> > its stops working. I miss it when it goes on the fritz.
> > 
> > Bill
> > LF38
> > 
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