
Joel Aronson

On Aug 12, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Tim Goodyear <> wrote:

> Particularly to all you 35-3 owners out there, where do you have your mast 
> base in your step plate?  Mine has a block ahead of the mast (so the mast is 
> in the rearmost position possible).  I can't remember where it was last year 
> and the yard removed and re-stepped it, so I didn't place any reminders to 
> myself.  I seem to be getting more forestay sag than last year for a certain 
> backstay tension, and have had to tighten the forestay down to the max to 
> resolve (I have a very easily adjustable forestay).  Before I slack off the 
> shrouds and try it at max foreward, I thought I'd ask what your settings are.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> Mojito
> C&C 35-3
> Branford, CT
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