
Good advice!

Also, if you have a rod headstay, the CDI will not work.

I recently had a guest aboard who thought he could "hike"  by holding on to
the shroud and leaning out.  I informed him otherwise!


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Dennis C. <> wrote:

> While we're talking about furlers, listers should check their forestay
> whether equipped with a furler or not, for freedom in two axes.  That is,
> BOTH ends of the forestay should have two pins perpendicular to each
> other.  This is usually accomplished with a toggle.
> The forestay is particularly susceptible to movement in 360 degrees.  When
> close hauled, the forestay is pulled to the side.  When running, it's
> pulled forward.  If movement is restricted to one axis, failure of the bow
> stem piece or attachment ear at the masthead can occur.  One lister
> reported a bow attachment failure a few years ago due to single axis
> movement.
> Two axis freedom is not as important for shrouds as there is little side
> movement.
> Backstays could also benefit from two axis freedom.
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
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