
The e-mail address in the body of your message has too many "T"s in it.


How do I know? I sent you a message and it came back.


Welcome aboard for the race. 


Looks like I'll  be doing it single handed.  In the spirit of Tom's post, I
too have space for crew aboard my 38 id anyone is interested in a weekend
with other C&C owners. 


I'll be departing for the race from the mooring field in Annapolis, and can
return crew back to Annapolis after the rendezvous


I was looking at my cruising guide and had almost decided to spend Friday
night in the Magathy instead of trying to get to Baltimore Light from the
Inner Harbor, or stay at Oak Harbor Marina  on the Patapsco River as
suggested by Chris Price.


Tom, will you be in early enough on Friday for a sundowner in the cockpit?


Rick Brass

Imzadi  C&C 38 mk1




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of TOM
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:46 AM
To: C&C Forum
Subject: Stus-List Corsica River Rendezvous and Race Crew Needed


I have registered Frolic II, C&C 36, for the race and rendezvous on the
Corsica river on the 27th of July. I have an opening if anyone would like to
crew. My plans are to leave my marina, Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbour, on Friday
morning the 26th and sail to the Magathy River and stay for the night. This
will put Frolic very close to the Baltimore Light for the start of the race
Saturday morning. Saturday night we spend on the Corsica, fun and dinner
with the Corsica River Yacht Club, and sail back to the Bohemia on Sunday.

If you are interested you can email me at or call my cell
at 302-540-2078.

Tom Vincent
Frolic II, 1979 C&C 36 cb
Chesapeake City, MD

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