It could be as simple as too much tension on the forestay. If you try and furl with your backstay cranked tight, that can make any furler bind.

Bill Bina

On 7/15/2013 9:08 AM, Stevan Plavsa wrote:
Hi All.

It seems the drum on my ultrafurl is sticking. I know that other C&Cs used this furling gear so I was hoping for some feedback from other ultrafurl owners. I dropped the swivel down and it is fine so I'm blaming the drum. It needs a lot of coaxing to turn and it will turn, then come to a stop, turn, then stop, turn then stop .. etc. The energy required to turn it is quite high, I have to go forward and manually turn the drum to furl or unfurl the sail. How can I troubleshoot this? I'm nervous that this will require some forestay action but I'm hoping not. According to their site it can be installed without dropping the forestay so I'm hoping I can take it apart too. It's an Ultrafurl 500. I'm waiting on an email back from ultrafurl.

Any ideas?

Suhana, C&C 32

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