Hi Steve,
I just want to say hi and I'm pretty sure I married a friend of yours Dave 
Body's daughter Jean. It would be nice to meet you when we come down St. Thomas 
and to Port Stanley's way. It is a small world.
    Our HIN is ZCC260270477.  Does this mean made in Canada (where I don't 
know), 26 footer, 27 not sure, and I guess April of 1977.

     We are new to the C and C's but I certainly love the boat! It is very 
spacious with lots of deck for moving around. I find it hard to believe it is a 
26. Can anyone else share what they believe sets the 26 apart from other 26 
     Being a 1977 does that make it a Mark III?  The interior looks like the 
pics in the picture board.
     We have 2 kids under 2, I have put mesh netting around the boat and have 
set up a harness for the older 20 month old. We go to the boat almost everyday, 
and have gone sailing a few times, the kids love it! Does anyone have any ideas 
or stories of making sailing with this age group easier?

     TV is helpful, we use the leaf antenna which has been working great. Put 
it on deck thru the front hatch, and  I have even closed the hatch on the cable 
without hurting it. 

     Another question is regarding offshore rating which my internet search 
indicated was not very good. What makes an offshore rating, and what would you 
guys consider the offshore abilites of the 26?

Well quite a long message, I will finish by saying there are a lot of very 
knowledgeable members of this group and I have enjoyed, and been learning a lot 
from the posts! Have a great day. 

Woody Hamel
Goldfinch 26 Mk?
Pickering ON, Frenchman's Bay, lake ontario.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Thomas <sthom...@sympatico.ca>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:08:43 
To: <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Re: Stus-List HIN Again  - Sorry

The M stands for the model year format of HIN, as opposed to an actual year 
format. There are 4 recognized formats altogether, each similar but with 
variations in the data fields. 
If your HIN had ended with an A for example, it would have been produced in 
August 1982, but still been considered a 1983 boat since the next model year 
starts in August. 
Since you boat was built in May, it was May 1983 since the model and calendar 
year coincide from January to July. 
Steve Thomas 
-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com]On Behalf Of Indigo
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 11:50 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Stus-List HIN Again - Sorry

I know this has been discussed umpteen times, but I have never thought to try 
and decipher Indigo's HIN until now and realize I have deleted all those useful 
Indigo's HIN is 
>From memory I think this means 
ZCC - made in Canada? 
35 - Model 35 
M - no clue 
83 - laid up in 1983 
J - 10th month - (Month A being August, so J would be MAY - so May, 1983? 
Am I correct, and can anyone tell me what the "M" stands for? 
Indigo 25MK III 
Southport CT 

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