I had to wonder about the hunter.  Nice to see the alberg on the list.
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From: "Colin Kilgour" <charliekilo...@gmail.com>
To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: 9 July, 2013 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Cruising World's 40 best sailboats

I have now looked at the whole list and have only 2 issues..

Hunter 356?  Really? Those things are ugly as shit.

Island Packet 38?  I know they're well built and all, and lots of
folks like them, but you couldn't pay me to sail one.   I HATE that
colour they use and I wouldn't want anything with a full keel.

Also, nice to see numerous Canadian entries: Alberg, C&C, Whitby,
Contessa, Gozzard.   (Although someone will point out that 4 out of
these 5 also have full keels.  Yeah, well, I wouldn't have one of
those either, even if they are Canadian!)


Aside to Dennis: Was this the kind of "discussion" you were hoping for?

On 7/9/13, Colin Kilgour  wrote:
> Good point.  I don't know why they're not on the list then.  Unless
> they're just not as good as the others.
> I've never sailed either, but I've always admired both - primarily the
> Cabo Rico.
> Cheers
> Colin
> On 7/9/13, Frederick G Street  wrote:
>> Colin -- from Yachtworld.com:
>> 40 ft 2000 Caliber 40 LRC                                    US$179,000
>> 38 ft 1991 Cabo Rico Custom Offshore         US$140,000
>> 40 ft 1991 Valiant                                                   
>> US$186,000
>> 40 ft 1985 Passport 40                                       US$145,000
>> 50 ft 1979 Gulfstar 50 Ketch                         US$99,900
>> I don't think the Cabo Ricos are arguably more expensive; and the Caliber
>> is
>> nearly ten years newer than any of the others, but not that much more
>> $$$.
>> Fred Street -- Minneapolis
>> S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI
>> On Jul 9, 2013, at 1:53 PM, Colin Kilgour
>> wrote:
>>> To Fred's point, the Caliber and Cabo Rico are probably disqualified
>>> for being too expensive.
> --
> Sent from my mobile device

Sent from my mobile device

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