That’s great to know. Like I said this is a 1981 boat. the PO raced her a bit but never hurt it. Is seems to be very stiff in the hull and the standing rigging is tight with little signs of wear. I cut off all the white covering from the OEM Stainless life lines they looked good as well. They were a bit stretched so I replaced it with Amsteel blue rope. It sails remarkable close to the wind and seems to like the heavy stuff. It’s hard to get moving in light air. Over all, I love it. I was just not sure if it could stand a strand day like 20 0R 30 miles out. I also have a asymmetrical in a dousing sock that has not been flown. I want to use it. Should I pick a light wind day to try this sail?
On 6/27/13, Joseph Bognar <> wrote: > Curt: There is a boat Called Siggys Dancer out of the National Yacht Club > in > Toronto. He was the winner in all of his races and then he sailed her to > florida. The only thing that he did was re inforce the knees for the > chainplates. If the photos are still up on the Photo album have a look > there >> I have a 1979 era 30 and it is a really stiff boat. Every time I reef I > end up taking it out as the wind changes. I usually sail her with a 135 > genoa in heavy air. I have a Gennaker with a sock that is easy to fly and > douse . The Shark a 24 ft hinterholler design and part of the C&C family > sailed to Australia with a family of four. There is a page called > sharkbites > and the story is on there .Have fun with your boat and as long as the motor > and rigging is sound go have fun with it . > > > > Joe Bognar > > In Luff Again II > > Grimsby,On > > > > > > From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Steve > Thomas > Sent: June-27-13 11:11 AM > To: > Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C30 MK1 5' draw on the keel? > > > > You have a better boat than the advice you were given, unless your boat has > suffered some specific damage. > > In good shape, I can't think of any boat that is both suitable for > "off-shore day sails" and more seaworthy in any significant way. > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: CnC-List []On Behalf Of Curtis > Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 10:24 AM > To: <> > Subject: Stus-List C&C30 MK1 5' draw on the keel? > > New to this boat, I have been told that it is not a good choice for > off-shore day sails. That it may not be a safe boat. > > Well here is the thing. I have been over the last year in some good puffs > and this boat seams very capable of handling 30 to 35 wit the correct sails > and reefed properly. She handles the chop in the Port royal Sound on the > fetch as well. rolling seas off the coast of 5 to 6 she takes of the nose > and still stays dry? With her deep draw and stiff build one would guess she > was a capable boat? > > Have any of you been an a long trip in a 30MK1 if so > please describe the experience. A blog would be great. Just trying to learn > all I can about my new old boat. > > > > Thanks Capt, Curt > > > > > -- > "The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; > the realist adjusts the sails." > > -- “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album