Getting someone out is where the life sling comes in handy.I have always
found that the wash from the boat always anything I am trying to get out of
the water away from my reach as I pass by slow or not.I remember making many
unsuccessful passes by an unopened bag of sun chips before we got it back
where we could enjoy them.the effort sort of became a game for us and after
10 or more passes by we were eating sun chips and last year when I tried to
snag my runaway inflatable while single handing I had one huge struggle that
nearly pulled my right arm right out of its socket at the shoulder.but I
caught it and saved a $5000 craft from loss on a rocky uninhabited coastline
near Peggy's Cove


Dwight Veinot

C&C 35 MKII, Alianna

Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Mark G
Sent: May 25, 2013 6:19 PM
To: CnClist
Subject: Re: Stus-List MOB recovery procedures


MOB was part of a basic keelboat class I took when I first learned to sail.
We used a J-24 and practiced with a person in the water.  The instructor
allowed us to try several methods but ultimately it was the "Reach and
Reach" or what I learned as "Quick Turn" that seemed most effective.  The
hardest part was always pulling the person out of the water, who wasn't
allowed to assist you.

(About 6 months after the keelboat class, I had the opportunity to ride a
nuclear submarine in the Bahamas.  At the end of the ride, with the boat
surfaced and waiting for us to be transferred back to the island, the CO
decided to run a MOB drill while a young officer was in control of the ship
from up on the sail.  I couldn't see anything from down in the boat, only
hear the orders over the intercom and feel the movement of the boat.  But
the similarity to what we had done in the J-24 was apparent, while the boats
couldn't have been more different.)

I later took a more cruising-oriented sailing class which used a Pearson
303.  Again, I found the quick-turn to be most effective.

I sometimes have passengers on my C&C 25 but seldom have crew.  I operate
under the assumption that in a MOB situation I'm probably going to be the
only one left aboard or at least the only one who knows much about sailing.
Dropping sails, dropping the outboard into the water and starting it, etc.,
just isn't something that will work in my particular case.

I don't consider my boat-handling skills to be particularly great.  When I
see a styrofoam cup or plastic bag in the water out in the bay, if there's
no boat traffic around, I typically take the opportunity to practice my
quick-turn MOB.  Bringing the boat to a stop with the trash alongside is
challenging, similar to a mooring pick-up under sail, but typically I can
reach down and pull the trash out of the water with my hand or a boat hook.
My biggest concern is still how to get the person out of the water.  This
season I will finally have a boarding ladder installed on my transom.  But
if the person in the water is incapacitated, it might be impossible to get
them out of the water if they're not wearing a harness or a life vest with

I'd be curious how others who sail short-handed, or sail the outboard
powered C&C's, plan for MOB.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dennis C. <>
To: CnClist <>
Sent: Fri, 24 May 2013 05:35:57 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: Stus-List MOB recovery procedures

Racing season is ramping up.  Time to discuss MOB procedures.  This ought to
be interesting.


Here's a couple of reference sites.  Note the different procedures and the
advantages of each.






Note the disagreement on whether to recover the MOB on the windward or the
leeward side.  Also note that one site recommends immediate deployment of
the MOB marker and one site says to deploy it if first attempt at recovery


Which methods do you favor?  Are you prepared?  Does your crew know what to


Dennis C.

Touche' 35-1 #83

Mandeville, LA


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